In the heart of Tuscany lies Chianti Classico, home to more than 345 wineries producing world-renowned wines.
Renowned for its rich history in winemaking dating back centuries, Chianti Classico continues to uphold its legacy of quality and tradition. Join us on a journey to meet the passionate vintners behind your favorite Chianti Classico wines.
Let's delve into the list of Chianti Classico wineries and their exceptional wines.
Chianti Classico Winery Facts
- There are more than 345 wineries in Chianti Classico.
- Chianti Classico has one of the oldest wineries in the world, dating back to the 1100s.
- There are over 500 grape growers in Chianti Classico.
- Chianti Classico wineries export to 160 different countries; the USA is their #1 market.