Growing Conditions

The year 2021 was distinguished by a cold winter with little precipitation. An (initially) cool spring with adequate rainfall was followed by a long, hot summer but with good diurnal temperature variations that allowed excellent completion of the grape ripening process. Worthy of note, an initial delayed development of the vines that resolved itself as the season progressed.

The harvest was extremely rewarding, in terms of performance and excellent quality and health of the grapes going to cellar; these grapes will yield rich, well-structured wines thanks to their thick, but well-balanced, fresh skins.

There was a slight decrease in quantity, due to the insufficient rain during the winter which hindered budding in the early-maturing areas.

Beginning of the harvest: September 9th, 2021

End of the harvest: October 13th, 2021

Rainfalls (sum of rainfall between April 1st and September 30th): 503,1 mm

Temperature Index (sum of average daily temperatures from April 1st to September 30th): 4.511,3 °C

Evaluation: Very good