
Nose of violets, blackberries and raspberries.


The mouth is fresh and fragrant, good flavor and good minerality. Harmonious and persistent finish. Enjoy it cool.

Growing Conditions

The growing season 2014/2015 was quite regular without extreme events. Winter was mild with temperatures falling to freezing only at the end of December and in January and February. A light snowfall was recorded in February.

Spring was also regular. May and June were warm favoring a perfect flowering and veraison. Rainfall was not excessive, about 150 mm.

Summer began earlier. Rainfall was scarce (about 100 mm), but the good water supplies during the winter and spring months prevented drought stress.

September and October showed perfect weather conditions, with significant day-to-night temperature ranges, favoring the accumulation of color and polyphenols in the grapes.


The grapes for Albia rosé were harvested between the first and the second weeks of September.


In stainless steel at controlled temperature of 12/16°C ( 53.6°-60.8°F) for 25/30 days.


3 months In stainless steel vats.


Pale pink colour.