
Elegant and high quality bouquet. Flowery, fresh recalling rose essence together with violet hints.


A sweet and delicate entry to the mouth, pleasant, lingering and mineral. Surprising for its fragrance and cleanliness stimulating the tasting buds and appetite-whetting. Serve cool, very cool!

Growing Conditions

Rainfall and temperatures over the winter were average. Spring was mild and rainy in the early part of the season, while there was no rainfall from late April through May.

The rain between June and July helped to ensure a good water reserve and allowed the vines to develop even earlier than usual.

A very hot, dry August, helped by cool September nights, completed the ripening of the grapes.


About 25/30 days at a temperature of 12°C/16°C.


In stainless steel vats


Pale pink in colour, brilliant and delicate.

Food Pairing

Delicious as an aperitif, serve with crudités and fresh cheeses, white meat and light cuisine.