
Intense and full after-nose forwardness: vinous and flowery with notes ranging from geranium to rose Fruity with strong scents of black cherries; nutty and spicy going from pepper to cinnamon, chocolate and vanilla.


Full-bodied and structured palate revealing a medium acidity which is never aggressive or astringent. Very long and warm finish.

Growing Conditions

Production area: Gaiole in Chianti The grapes come from vineyards set 350 – 400 meters above sea level, mainly from the vineyard of the same name with southwest exposure, with a predominance of calcareous sandstone and Alberese stone.

Very rigid winter days with temperatures often below zero (minimum registered: -11°C 5th January), until March. April and May were quite rainy with average temperatures around 11- 12° degrees. The growing phase of the grape-vine started again with the opening of the buds taking place at the end of April, the flowering took place regularly in the month of May. The summer months were mild (20°C-24°C) with scarce rainfall. Then, around the 20th August, there was a net turnabout: warm, sunny days marked the last decade of the month, all September and the first fortnight in October. A set of much longed-for factors making it possible for the grapes to reach a perfect maturation.


The harvest started in the beginning of September with Merlot followed by Sangiovese as from 20th September.


28-31° C – Maceration period: 18 days for Sangiovese, 16 for Merlot


18 months in barrels of French oak