
Intense hints of soft fruit, pepper, spices and a fully elegant taste, Casalferro 2003 is pretty well rounded, fully equilibrated with an outstanding elegant aftertaste.

Growing Conditions

Production area: Gaiole in Chianti The grapes come from vineyards set 350 – 400 meters above sea level, mainly from the vineyard of the same name with southwest exposure, with a predominance of calcareous sandstone and Alberese stone.

The company opted to skip the poor vintage 2002 and to switch to the richest 2003 for this Casalferro. A long hot summer has kissed our vines that have survived the high temperatures thanks to the green harvest conducted in the vineyards. That operation has permitted the bunches to keep the right water reserve. The month of September was milder so the grapes could conclude the ripening cycle.


The Merlot grapes were harvested on September 4th while the Sangiovese clusters were collected by the 15th . In early October the harvest was concluded.


June 2005


33° C – Maceration period: 18 days for Sangiovese, 16 for Merlot


18 months in French oak barriques.


Deep black in colour.