
A bouquet of an intense and pleasant freshness of tropical fruit such as pineapples and peaches in syrup.


Full-bodied and dense palate with a very pleasant sweetness accompanied by mineral and spiced scents.

Growing Conditions

After a substantially mild winter, the first part of spring was characterized by a scarcity of rain. On the contrary, June registered some unusual rainfalls which measured 80mm during the first fifteen days. In the second half of the month the rains ceased and summer temperatures arrived but still within the normal seasonal average and without any particular peaks. The rains only came again towards the middle of August and again in the middle of September.


The Sauvignon grapes were selected and picked with great care in early September. This year there were less bunches available than the past years but the quality will be exceptional.


At low a temperature (14°C/20°C) in small stainless steel vats


April 2009

Food Pairing

It is a sweet and aromatic wine, produced with great care and attention which enhances and renders any dessert unique. 2008 is the best ever.